Ramadhan therapy
295 kr
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Mjukpärm |
Sidor: |
213 |
Storlek: |
13×18 |
Vikt | 225 g |
Slutsåld. Leverans inom 10–45 dagar efter beställning in shaa Allah!
Ramadhan therapy
For every situation,
Prophet Muhammad S.a.w. hasprescribed various du’ that can be read throughoutRamadan and even after it, as a form of therapy. It is withhope and faith that positive changes can come out of thisbeloved month of Ramadan to those who seek it.Imam Yahya Ibrahim is the Head of Islamic Studiesand Assistant Principal at Langford Islamic College,the Islamic Chaplain at Curtin University and theUniversity of Western Australia, and a lecturer forthe internationally acclaimed AlMaghrib Institute.Imam Yahya isalso a Minister of Religion,empowered to legally officiate marriages for the AustralianIslamic community. He remains a long-standing member of the AustralianNational Imam’s Council and sits on numerous advisory boards.On account of his numerous contributions to Western Australia, ImamYahya was awarded the Individual Excellence Award in CommunityService by the West Australian Government.